Love of God Personalities DaveZia

Interview with a Charismatic—Part 2

Photo of a microphone

Note:  if you haven't read part 1, please see:
Interview with a Charismatic 




Visions, tongues, prophecy, healing,... hmm.   Don't mind if I question you, but I'll believe it when I see it myself.

Miracle Highlights Film [YouTube]

I'm with you there. Ask tough questions—given that they're not just attempts to fortify rationalizations. For all of us, at some point asking questions becomes a smokescreen for an unreceptive heart.

At the deepest level, you're right:  you need to experience it yourself.  Judge the data from the outside and the inside.

Another strong indicator these experiences are legit is the enormous unity it produces. Christians from every major denomination experience pretty much the same thing, worldwide, completely un-orchestrated. Could anyone have predicted or planned this? The charismatic renewal has done more to build bridges within Christianity than anything else—because the Holy Spirit is much bigger than our theological prejudices.

I'm sorry, I'm just not comfortable praying out loud or raising my hands while I pray.

I can understand that. And I suspect God doesn't care too much if you raise your hands or stand on your hands. But I do think He wants us to be open to this power He is offering. Lovers are both natural and radical.  

The charismatic experience is just one of many things a person can choose.  It's just one of many things God is doing.

This common misunderstanding is probably the greatest obtacle to receiving more. The Holy Spirit is not another side dish; but the wine enlivening every part of the meal.  Besides, Scripture, church leaders, as well as modern prophetic messages are clear that God wants every person to enjoy these gifts.  (And why not?)

Sometimes we think a lighthearted style of open, modern worship is what "charismatic" is all about, but actually it has nothing to do with emotion, the era, or music preferences! It's the presence of God manifestatied.

But if I'm a Christian, I've already got the Holy Spirit.

That's true, but he needs to be stirred up, like chocolate that has settled at the bottom of a glass of milk.  2 Tim 1:6.

These gifts of the Spirit are fine for some folks if that's their thing, but I don't need them.

If your needs are met, serve others.

Also, don't we need more of Chirst? More healings? More self-less love?  Obviously, it's difficult for me to encourage this topic without coming off a little strong.

Ok.  But if God wants to give me the gifts, he'll have to give me a sign he wants me to have them.

Maybe he's doing that right now! :)

If we are apatheic it's similar to a man asking "will you marry me" and the woman responds "either way is fine."

I hear you. But I'm a little fearful.

God respects where we are, and what we're willing to trust with him..

Alright, alright, I'm ready! What do I do?

Be hungry! Don't let God go until he blesses you. You can experience his power by yourself, but many usually find an important part of the process is to have others who've been filled with the Spirit place their hands on them and pray for the release.

You will almost certainly have to take some risks and make some mistakes along the way. Testing happens, but it's well worth it. God loves you.

I'm hungry! Come Holy Spirit!

I'd better get out of the way!

Forsake the unrighteous promise of the world's expectations, for it is short-lived and stands on shaky ground.  A quick fix or temporal route to happiness, or at least the avoidance of despair, will take you into the dark.  I am what you long for, all you need.  I am much greater than the best this world has to offer.  Where My presence is brought in, despair becomes hope; bondage, freedom; the ordinary, spectacular; fear becomes boldness; death becomes life. Yes, I work in the natural, but I bring supernatural gifts to the most unlikely of situations.

My Spirit offers access to this unlimited favor, based on My desirous love for you.  Do not let your devotion to Me become like an addictive fix that seeks only partial relief.  And do not let your shortcomings, sin, unbelief, fears, worries, or discouragement be a hindrance to seeking My miracle working power.  For it is working amidst My ever-present, deepest love for your good will.

Dare to believe I am your God, capable of anything.  Seek My heart and My hand will follow.   Dare to trust Me in all your ways (Proverbs 3:6). I am just within your circumstance with all the power and the fire of My glory ready to envelop you.  Let go of your finite solutions and welcome in the King of Glory.

I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong—that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith.
 Rom 1:11-12