Love of God Personalities DaveZia


  When, Where, What, How Why
ESTJ Exports world thought parts Good
ISTJ Exports self thought parts Good
ESFJ Exports world feeling parts Good
ISFJ Exports self feeling parts Good
ENTJ Exports world thoughts whole Truth
INTJ Exports self thoughts whole Truth
ENTP Imports world thoughts whole Truth
INTP Imports self thoughts whole Truth
ESTP Imports world thought parts Beauty
ISTP Imports self thought parts Beauty
ESFP Imports world feeling parts Beauty
ISFP Imports self feeling parts Beauty
ENFJ Exports world feelings whole Harmony
INFJ Exports self feelings whole Harmony
ENFP Imports world feelings whole Harmony
INFP Imports self feelings whole Harmony

Function Order

Psychologist Carl Jung discovered the "What" and "How" could be functionally paired with the Where. This gives the function preferences below, with column being the most natural, and column four being the least natural.

  1 2 3 4
ESTJ Te Si Ne Fi
ISTJ Si Te Fi Ne
ESFJ Fe Si Ne Ti
ISFJ Si Fe Ti Ne
ENTJ Te Ni Se Fi
INTJ Ni Te Fi Se
ENTP Ne Ti Fe Si
INTP Ti Ne Si Fe
ESTP Se Ti Fe Ni
ISTP Ti Se Ni Fe
ESFP Se Fi Te Ni
ISFP Fi Se Ni Te
ENFJ Fe Ni Se Ti
INFJ Ni Fe Ti Se
ENFP Ne Fi Te Si
INFP Fi Ne Si Te

So we can see that as a person grows from 1 and 2, to fill out into 3 and 4, they become more like another temperament (represented by the color).

8 Functions

Te Thoughts of world plan implementation
Ti Thoughts of self plan design
Fe Feelings of world harmony socially
Fi Feelings of self harmony identity
Se Parts of world specific tactile
Si Parts of self specific analytical
Ne Wholeness of world exploration outside
Ni Wholeness of self exploration inside